Human Resources

The Human Resource department promotes the following goals:

  • To effectively communicate policies and procedures to all employees.
  • To collaborate with Managers and Supervisors to effectively manage employee relations.
  • To monitor the external compensation market for trends and practices related to employee compensation and benefits and make recommendations as requested.
  • To effectively manage the City’s benefit programs to ensure their fiscal viability.
  • Establish consistent and informative ongoing communication between HR, employees, supervisors and directors.
  • Collaborate with each department to meet training and development objectives.
  • Ensure that each department complies with all employment regulations.
  • Attract qualified applicants while motivating the existing workforce and inspiring long-term commitment regarding turnover and retention.

Current Job Opportunities

To apply, please send resumes to or

Current job openings:

 Public Works/Maintenance Tech

Additional Public Works Operator 



Employment Application

TCOLE Personal History Statement (Police Officers Only)