Police Department
(903) 834 – 3145 Voice
(903) 834 – 3216 Fax
The City of Overton boasts one of the lowest crime per capita rates in the state of Texas. This is made possible by technology, commitment, and the strong emphasis that is placed on crime prevention in the city.
The Overton Police Department consists of five full time officers 2 part time officers and a School Resource Officer. All officers attend regular in-service training classes and are kept abreast of the latest technology and methods of protecting and serving the citizens of Overton. The Police Department utilizes the most modern equipment, such as video recorders in all patrol units, as well as the most technically advanced radar units and cellular phones.
For 911 Addressing inside the city limits, please complete 911 Addressing Assignment Request form, and return to the Police Department.
Compliments & Complaints
OPD Citizen Compliment and Complaint Form
The Overton Police Department is committed to the well-being of all citizens and takes any instances where its employees fail to fulfill their duties or are involved in misconduct. Should you need to file a complaint, please be assured it will be thoroughly and impartially investigated.
Additionally, if you witness a police officer performing exceptional work, we encourage you to share your experience! Our Overton Police Officers are committed to serving both you and your community with dedication.
Download and complete the form and return it to the Overton Police Department by mail or e-mail.
Chief: Bryan Pool bpool@cityofoverton.com
Sergeant: Ed Urena eurena@cityofoverton.com
Officer Michael Gaytan mgaytan@cityofoverton.com
Officer Tre Thompson tthompson@cityofoverton.com
Officer Onlie Johnson ojohnson@cityofoverton.com
Officer Trevor Hodges thodges@cityofoverton.com
Administrative Assistant: Kaylynn Raney kraney@cityofoverton.com

Code Compliance
The City of Overton Code Compliance Division’s primary mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens which shall be accomplished through educating the public and working closely with the Citizens by enforcement of the City Codes and State Laws. Through theses efforts it is our ultimate goal to ensure that the City of Overton will be a great and wonderful place for people to live, work and enjoy recreational activities. The Code Compliance Division is charged with the duty to ensure the City’s ordinances which have been passed by City Council and will be complied by all citizens.
The Code Compliance Division works on a variety of different case types which range from Junked Motor Vehicles, High Grass & Weeds, Building Permit Regulations, Dangerous Structures, Illegal Dumping, Sanitation issues, Zoning Compliance, and Hazardous Materials.
If you have any complaints or need to report any violation, you may contact the Overton Police Department by calling (903) 834-3145.
After the Code Compliance Officer receives the complaint, he/she will determine the validation of the complaint and will take the necessary action if needed.
It is everyone’s responsibility to comply with the City’s Code of Ordinances, and the City of Overton needs your help and cooperation to make Overton a better place to live, work and recreate.