NOVEMBER 8, 2022
City of Overton Contracts with Rusk and Smith County for the elections
City of Overton Summary Smith CO
City of Overton Contracts with Rusk and Smith County for the elections
Election Identifications Certificate (EIC) Now Required for Texas Voters
The Texas Election Code 631(b) requires a photo ID in order to vote in Texas. The Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 521A and 37 Texas Administration Code, Sections 15.181-185, authorizes DPS to issue Election Identification Certificates. Please click on the links below for additional information and the application form.
Election Identification Certificate (EIC) Now Required for All Texas Voters
Application for Texas Election Certificate (DL-14C)
Legacy Elections
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
Unofficial Results MAYOR
Unofficial Results CITY COUNCIL PLACE 2
Unofficial Results CITY COUNCIL PLACE 3
Unofficial Results CITY COUNCIL PLACE 4
Notice of Voting Order Priority
Rusk County Early Voting Locations
Rusk County Election Day Voting Locations
Notice for Place on Ballot for Place 3
Notice for Drawing for Place on Ballot
2021_Notice of Deadline to file applications
Candidate Packet 2021 Election
2020 Notice of General Election 11_03_2020
The City Council General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. There are three (3) Councilmembers terms that are up for the City Council General Election:
Council Place # | Current Incumbents |
Seat #1 | Trampas Freeman |
Seat #3 | Jerry Clark |
Seat #5 | Michael Paul Williams |
Filing for a place on the General Election Ballot begins on Saturday, July 18, 2020 and ends on August 17, 2020 at 5 p.m. Application packets may be filed from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday – Friday) with City Secretary Rachél Gafford at City Hall (1200 S. Commerce St., Overton, TX). In order to be eligible to file for a place on the ballot the applicant must be a minimum of 18 years of age, have resided in Texas for at least 1 year, and have been a resident of the City of Overton for at lease 6 months prior to the filing deadline of August 17, 2020.
Click here for a complete 2020 Candidate Election Application Packet0001
Please Note: The City of Overton contracts with both Rusk and Smith County Elections Offices for conducting the City of Overton General Election each November.
November 3, 2020 General Election
2020_Notice of Deadline to file applications
Since the City of Overton is located in both Rusk and Smith County, in order to determine the number of total votes for a candidate you must look at the Elections Results (Unofficial) for both Rusk County and Smith County and add the totals from each County to determine the total votes that candidate received. Election results are not official until Canvassed by the City’s Canvassing Board. The official Canvass will show the combined total votes from each County for each candidate. The official Canvass is scheduled to be done on 11/14/19.
City of Overton General Election Results (Unofficial)*
* Election results will be posted on the following two websites on Election Day (11/5/19) as the polling precincts turn in their tabulated results to each County Elections Office after the polls close. Typically, the last precincts will be reporting between 9 to 10 p.m. Election Results are not official until they have been officially Canvassed by the City’s Canvassing Board.
Rusk County Elections Website Link:
- This link will take you directly to the results for the City of Overton Election.
Smith County Elections Website Link:
- On this page click on the “Joint Constitutional Amendment” hyperlink and scroll to page 4 to see the results for City of Overton.
Elections Documents
2019 Candidate Packet – Overton General Election
Election Register 2019
Mayor, Council and City Manager Information – 2019
November 5, 2019 General Election
Ordinance – Order of Election – November 5, 2019
Notice of Election – November 5, 2019
Revised – Notice for Drawing Places on Ballot – November 5, 2019
Notice for Drawing Places on Ballot – November 5, 2019 Election
Notice of Deadline to File Applications for a Place on the Ballot for November 5, 2019
Notice of Open Spaces – November 5, 2019 Election
Candidate Applications
November 3, 2020 General Election – Early Voting and Election Day Voting Locations
- Early Voting to be held for City of Overton, Rusk County residents at Rusk County Elections Office, 115 N Main Street, Henderson, Texas and for City of Overton, Smith County residents at the Smith County Elections Office, 304 E Ferguson, Tyler, Texas and any other Branch Early Voting locations throughout the Counties as designated by the County Elections Administrator.
- Election Day Voting to be held for City of Overton, Rusk County residents at Overton Community Center, 505 Meadowbrook Drive, Overton, Texas and for City of Overton, Smith County residents at the Smith County designated polling place in Arp, Texas and any other Branch Election Day Voting locations throughout the Counties as designated by the County Elections Administrator.
First day to file an Application for Place on Ballot, for Council Positions 1, 3 and 5, in the November 3, 2020 General Election will be July 18, 2020; the last day to file an Application for Place on Ballot will be August 17, 2020.
Last day to file as a write-in candidate will be August 21, 2020.
The requirements/qualifications to serve on the Overton City Council are outlined in the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 22 and the Texas Election Code, Chapter 141:
Per the Texas Local Government Code, Section 22.032 – Qualifications for Office for a General Law Type A Municipality:
- Mayor – Residency in state for at least one (1) year prior to the filing deadline; Residency in the City at least one (1) year prior to election day; Minimum Age of eighteen (18); Must be a registered voter in territory elected from by the filing deadline
- Alderman (Council Member) – Residency in state for at least one (1) year prior to the filing deadline; Residency in the City at least six (6) months prior to filing deadline (Texas Elec. Code, Section 141.001(a); Minimum Age of eighteen (18); Must be a registered voter in territory elected from by the filing deadline
Any person presently holding an elective office shall resign that office upon election to another elective office of profit or trust. No employee of the City shall continue in such position after election to an elective office. A citizen cannot file for an elective office if the candidate has a felony conviction except as provided by the State Election Code.